每逢畢業季節,美國各大學都會邀請名人到校發表畢業演講,跟畢業生分享他們的人生經驗與建言,這已是行知有年的傳統。紐約時報The New York Times認為一般大眾也有很多充滿智慧的建言可以和大學畢業生分享,特別邀請讀者投稿50字的畢業建言並集結成文,以下為紐時選出的精采片段:
“Never type anything, anywhere, that you’d be embarrassed if your mother read it. It will serve you well.”
「千萬不要在任何地方寫出那些如果讓你媽看見會很不好意思的文字,你會因此受益良多。」— Amy Leader, 42, Wayne, Pa.
“Someone’s going to have a great life. It might as well be you. Believe it, embrace it, and then remember to listen, learn and give back.”世上 有些人註定擁有很棒的人生,其中一員很可能就是你。相信自己,把握命運,同時記得要傾聽、學習並回饋。— Vige Barrie, 65, Clinton, N.Y.
“Someone else’s success does not define your own. Rather than compete with others in your class, share and support one another. Send job posts, check in with your peers. Community is about building one another up and sharing the wealth. Your turn will come.” 別人的成功不見得可以定義你的成功。與其和你的同學競爭,不如和他們分享並互相支援。社群的定義就是幫助別人成功並分享他們的榮耀,你的時代也將會來臨。— Jessica Villagomez, 22, Chicago